Childcare by Design develops educational resources to support understanding of the NQS, EYLF and MTOP as listed below.
Saving you countless hours of work and stress the NQS DART will support you in assessing the quality of your service’s practices against the NQS. The assessment is comprehensive, detailed and clearly documented.
The NQS DART is very easy to use. All you do is to select a quality area, a standard and an element and the descriptors for that element will be displayed for you to assess. Mark the descriptors that your service is achieving and leave unmarked those which need improving. The printed Report lists only those practices that need improvement - exactly what you need to write into your Quality Improvement Plan (QIP).
Example: Select Quality Area 4 - Staffing arrangements. Now select standard 4.2 - Educators, co- ordinators and staff members are respectful. Next select Element 4.2.1 - Professional standards guide practice, interactions and relationships and the descriptors for that element such as The assessor may sight the Early Childhood Code of Ethics, 2006, or a code of ethics developed by the service that is displayed and made available to families will display for you to access.
The Report clearly demonstrates the thoroughness of your assessment, and each successive Report can be used as evidence of your service’s commitment to continuous improvement. The printed Report then becomes your service’s tailored NQS - a mini NQS - because it details only the areas your service needs to address.
NQS DART will turn working with the NQS and writing the QIP from a chore to an enjoyable task.
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